Hi guys, ❤️
just a casual kitchen cover featuring Bowie 🐶 the dog we are minding for the last few days 😊😊
Hope you enjoy “All of me” by @johnlegend thanks so much for all your support as always! ❤️❤️
I post videos on my YouTube channel every week of me recording at home and when possible some of me busking on Grafton Street🎶🎵
Hopefully you will watch my videos very Thursday and support me on my journey ❤️🎶☺️
I really appreciate all the encouragement it means so much!
Also in my playlist I have added a 5 song compilation for you to add to your YouTube library
The playlist will be updated every week with my new weekly videos 🎶
Thank you so much for all the support 😇🙏 🎼
Follow my Instagram 🎶☺️
Follow my TikTok ❤️
Follow my Facebook Page ❤️
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#coversong #allofmelyricsjohnlegend #johnlegend #cover #allofmecover #busking #kylabellemusic #irish #kylabelle #singersongwriter #Irishmusician #cover #busking #femalecover