Why Was Heinrich Himmler Obsessed With The Holy Grail | Myth Hunters | War Stories

The Holy Grail, the most prized relic of Christianity has been shrouded in mystery for centuries. Said to be the cup used by Christ at the last supper it is believed by many to hold miraculous powers. For centuries Kings, knights and treasure hunters have sought it, but it has always remained elusive and out of reach of human hands. War Stories is your one stop shop for all things military history. From Waterloo to Verdun, we’ll be bringing you only the best documentaries and stories from history’s most engaging and dramatic conflicts. Discover the past on History Hit, with ad-free exclusive podcasts and documentaries released weekly and presented by world-renowned historians Dan Snow, Suzannah Lipscomb, Matt Lewis and more. Get 50% off your first 3 months with code ’WARSTORIES’: You can find more from us on: This channel is part of the History Hit Network. For any queries, please con
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