Fukushima Radiation: What You’ve Heard are LIES!

You may have seen that image purportedly showing the alarming spread of Fukushima radiation across the Pacific. But dig deeper, and you’ll find that’s not the case at all. And that’s not the only piece of false information spreading about this scary nuclear disaster. Trace dispels the rumors and tells us what’s really going on. Read More: Fukushima Emergency Claim: Image purportedly shows radioactive seepage spreading across the Pacific Ocean from the Fukushima nuclear plant. Japan Starts up Offshore Wind Farm Near Fukushima “Japan switched on the first turbine at a wind farm 20 kilometers (12 miles) off the coast of Fukushima on Monday, feeding electricity to the grid tethered to the tsunami-crippled nuclear plant onshore.“ Fukushima’s nuclear power mess: Five big questions
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