Dr. Tim Coles, ex-University of Plymouth, on academic witch-hunts & New Zealand’s New Dawn hysteria

Helen of desTroy talks to Tim Coles about the blossoming of the Thought Police as a multi-disciplinary ecosystem of control, from university censors to newsstand snoops who threaten civilians for daring to peek between the wrong covers. subject to a Kafkaesque cancellation campaign at Plymouth University, where he’d just finished his doctorate, Coles still doesn’t know what he did “wrong“ in the eyes of the school - which seems to be the point. More recently, his months-old article on the Christchurch mosque shooter written for the Australian magazine New Dawn was declared cause for banning the magazine entirely in New Zealand in one of the more bewildering attacks on the free press in recent memory. What do these things have in common? Quite a bit, it turns out... Coles’ latest book, Biofascism: the Tech-Pharma Complex and the End of Democracy, is available here he does not use social media, which i
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