Footage of Dams in Beijing Destroyed || Severe Flooding in 2 Provinces of China

Footage Dams in Beijing Destroyed || Severe Flooding in 2 Chinese Provinces More than a million people have been displaced from their homes in China’s Hebei province following a deadly storm earlier this week, according to state media. Officials have warned it could take a month for the water to recede in some areas. Rain from the remnants of Typhoon Doksuri hit the northern province of 75 million and the nearby cities of Beijing and Tianjin last weekend, causing severe flooding that stranded residents, swept away bridges and highways, and caused at least 22 deaths. The storm produced the heaviest rainfall Beijing has experienced in 140 years, marking a major test of the region’s ability to handle extreme weather events, which experts warn will become more frequent as a result of climate change. According to state media, the evacuated residents have been moved to makeshift shelters in hotels and schools. Social media posts show people leaving donations at these shelters or setting up stalls to offer food, while a district government in Tianjin has called on residents to help house their displaced relatives and neighbors.
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