eelG | long live (spoilers for )

WATCH IN HD, it looks a million times better! slakjdklf I’m still so upset that my babies are graduating. I’ve grown up with them and am SO ridiculously attached to some of them and am just not ready to see them go. And even though this show is inconsistent and exploitative and just generally a trainwreck, it’s MY trainwreck and no matter how many times I try, I can’t seem to quit it. I still don’t know how I feel about this video - there’s parts I like a lot but it’s also messy and rushed and all over the place. I did work really hard on it though, so hopefully you like it at least a little! :) This was inspired by this AMAZING OTH tribute video by dairtolove (if you’re not subscribed to her, I promise you’re missing out) -- go check it out! SONG: Long Live ARTIST: Taylor Swift COLORING: HazelTutorials TUMBLR: BACKUP: magicafterall No copyright inf
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