These videos and music are the property and copyright of its rightful owners.
00:00 - MTV interview 1985
00:13 - interview 2004
00:19 – GQ’S Men of the year awards 1998
00:27 – Under the cherry moon 1986
00:31 - Rosie O’ Donnell show 1996
00:35 – Oprah 1996
00:41 - show 1983
00:55 – Under the cherry moon 1986
00:59 – Raspberry beret 1985
01:03 – Show in 1999
01:07 – TRL 1999
01:09 – Sunday show 1995
01:15 - VIBE 1998
01:19 – Superbowl press conference 2007
01:31 – Under the cherry moon 1985
01:33 – Partyman 1989
01:41 - Musicology tour backstage 2004
01:57 - Nude tour la Coruña 1990
02:07 – Under the cherry moon 1986
02:11 - Premiere Under the cherry moon Wyoming hollyday inn 1986
02:23 - CNBC 2004
02:27 – The muppets tonight 1997
02:31 – Lazona Rosa cafe, Austin, 2013
02:37 - KMSP 1998
02:47 - de TV show 1998
02:59 – Under the cherry moon 1986
03:03 – Paisley park interview Mel B. 1998