To celebrate Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi’s Birthday, the children of the Dallas collective together with Sia Reddy (music) and Sona Agarwal (video editing) created this celebration song and video, enriched by beautiful artwork of Sahaja Yogis all around the world.
On March 21st 1923
In a Place named Chindwara
The goodness Herself, She took her birth
In the holy land of India
She was pure and spotless
As She was Divine
So they named Nirmala
And through Her birth this earth was saved
And we, HER children, realised who we are
Shri Ganesha and all the Deities
Watched their Mother with much care
Always by Her Side, always full of love
Where She walked, they were always there
They made sure that all Her Children listened to Her words fully aware
And when She Smiled, all heavens opened as if thousand suns were there
Mother of the Universe
Let us celebrate for blessing us with Your Birth
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