Prospect by JonasDeRo

What is this about? To some of those who have a hard time understanding what this is really about I wish to give some background info, although I also don’t want to spoil anything before someone watches it. Here goes. The concept of the film was inspired by a personal event that really changed my life, obviously, the suicide of someone very dear (my brother). People who decide to end their own life are always very specific about how they do it, and trauma (jumping, hit by train, etc...) is considered one of the quickest, most succesful in attempt and most common methods generally. Now how to convey these emotions into a one minute short was the real challenge, as it was already challenging to work on a project for months that kept me dealing with grief all the time. In Prospect, the difference between freedom, symbolized by the natural landscape, and death become vague. As both freedom and death are to be found through the same portal, the window. Here starts a great issue between after death believers and
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