My TOP 30 Anime Openings of All Time!
My top 30 Anime openings as of June 2020
openings in this top:
0:00 Black clover OP5
0:08 Dororo
0:17 Black Bullet
0:26 Akame ga Kill OP2
0:33 Noragami OP1
0:48 Soul Eater OP1
0:57 Attack on Titat OP2
1:06 Boku dake ga Inai Machi
1:14 Parasyte
1:22 Sword Art Online:Alicization OP1
1:36 Vinland Saga OP2
1:44 Log Horizon
1:53 Btooom
2:05 Haikyuu OP5
2:12 The promised neverland
2:20 Black clover OP10
2:27 Naruto OP5
2:34 Fullmetal Alchemist OP1
2:43 Demon slayer
2:59 Dragon ball Gt
3:14 Jojo part 4