Special Event: Advancing a Liberal Digital Order in the Indo-Pacific
Please join CNAS on Thursday, May 27th, from 10:00am-11:30am EDT, for a virtual event coinciding with the release of a new CNAS report, Advancing a Liberal Digital Order in the Indo-Pacific, authored by Lisa Curtis, Jacob Stokes, and Joshua Fitt.
The United States and Indo-Pacific democracies are at risk of losing ground in the competition to shape the region’s digital future as China expands its role in digital ecosystems across the Indo-Pacific, develops the region’s 5G infrastructure, and builds digital alliances.
As the authors argue in this forthcoming CNAS report, the challenges to ensuring a future liberal digital order are immense; to meet them, the United States must develop a multifaceted approach that prioritizes coordination with democratic allies and partners. The degree to which the United States can work with like-minded partners to pool resources and capabilities—while also setting mutually agreed guidelines for use of digital technologies—will determine whether those technologie