King George VI and Queen Elizabetht the Queen Mother visit Birmingham for anniversary cele...(1948)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit King George VI and Queen Elizabeth honored in Birmingham for 25th wedding anniversary Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Royal Visit to Birmingham ENGLAND: Birmingham: EXT/INT BIRMINGHAM Royal visit to Birmingham. Being met at Station by Lord Mayor Councillor J.C. Burman. Tour City in Car. Receive Silver Wedding present. King hands Lord Mayor a newly minted penny. King and Queen showing interest in present. King and Queen on Balcony of Council House QUEEN ELIZABETH Accompanies King on Royal Visit to Birmingham. GEORGE VI Royal visit to Birmingham. King accompanied by Queen, received by Lord Mayor of Birmingham. Shots of tour of part of City. Presentation of Silver Wedding present from Lord Mayor. King hand Lord Mayor a newly-minted penny. King and Queen showing delight at present. Walking across Victoria Square to Council House and appearing on balcony Royalty, anniversary, Background: King George VI and Queen Elizabeth honored in Birmingham for 25th wedding anniversary FILM ID: VLVABJDTJGKKH4BGSHFDFV97ZKFU6 To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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