Charles and Camilla Host Christmas Tea Party at Clarence House - Raw Footage (2003)

On 11 December 2003, Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and his fiancee, Camilla Parker-Bowles, hosted a Christmas tea party at Clarence House for children undergoing cancer therapy at Llandough Hospital in Cardiff. #PrinceCharles #PrinceOfWales #Camilla #CamillaParkerBowles #KingCharlesIII #CharlesIII #KingCharles #QueenCamilla To search the ITN Archive collection on Getty Images, follow the link below: 🎥 Subscribe to our YouTube channel (tap the bell icon and stay up to date with all the latest ITN Archive videos!) - @ITNArchive 🎥 Follow us on Twitter - 🎥 Like us on Facebook - 🎥 Ch...eck out our TikTok - @itnarchive1955
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