Made by first year students at The Animation Workshop in Denmark. Each “Short Short Film“ group was asked to include certain themes or objects - a banjo, for instance - and let themselves be inspired by the stilistic traits of certain animators or illustrators, e.g. John Kricfalusi.
23 hours ago 00:52:02 1
Фигма уроки: 50+ фишек Figma в 2023 (плагины, маски, шорткаты)
23 hours ago 00:00:59 1
#Peter #Hahne im #Interview #Jungen #Freiheit #Dunkeldeutschland #short #ZDF #Tagesspiegel
23 hours ago 00:00:30 1
Respect #Shorts
23 hours ago 00:00:40 1
Пётр Гаряев. Когда человек САМ СЕБЕ ГОВОРИТ#shorts