CGI Animated Short Film: “Metanoia“ by The Animation School | CGMeetup
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Metanoia Animated Short Film by The Animation School. Featured on CGMeetup
Two figures are walking side by side in the desert in the early afternoon. They are established as the Apprentice who is an impressionable fifteen year old and his Master who is a resilient ninety year old.
They trek through the dunes in the late afternoon and soon arrive at a Holy Place in the evening, ending their long and tiresome journey, so that the Apprentice can begin his African ritual in order to earn his rite of passage as a sorcerer. As he gets into his intense ritual dance, an unexpected fight ensues, introducing spiritual creatures into the Holy Place. Soon he discovers that in order to become the new sorcerer, he has to prove his worth and fight to the death.
Metanoia Credits:
The Animation School
Director: Emanuela Pereira
Production Manager: Emanuela Pereira
Art Director: Ntokozo Mthembu
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