CGI Animated Short Film: “The Hunter“ by Creative Seeds Students | CGMeetup

CGI 3D Animated Short Film: The Hunter Animated Short Film by Creative Seeeds Students. Featured on CGMeetup The Hunter is a story about a detective chasing a criminal. But is he ready to face the real identity of the criminal? Ideas: Antoine Leroux-Pertuisel Modeling - Surfacing - Lighting - Compositing: Marion Carnazza, Renan Gobe, Pierre-Lou Guillore, Ludovic Paul, Benjamin Rojek, Guillaume Rio Fournigault, Leo Texier. Animation/ Layout: Maxime Billot, Balkis Leflao, Antoine Leroux-Pertuisel, Hugo Roy. Rigging: Ewan Paulay FX: Vincent Beunoit Sound Design: Kevin Feildel Music: Ronan Maillard SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring content! Watch More CGI & VFX Animated Short Films: VFX Breakdowns, Making of & Behind the Scene: https://w
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