CGI Animated Short Film: “Farrah Rogue - Awakening“ - Ep1 by James Guard Studios | CGMeetup

CGI Sci-Fi Animated Short Film: Farrah Rogue - Awakening Animated Short Film by James Guard Studios. Featured on CGMeetup In the Sci-Fi episodic “Farrah Rogue - Awakening“ James Guard Studios premier heroine Farrah Rogue, an ex-actress gone bounty hunter and her companion Spidar, in their pursuit of scavenging the remains of the fallen corporation GARL (Galactic Aeronautical Research Laboratories) and their top secret research facilities scattered across the galaxy. Credits: Director - James Guard Executive Producer - Daniel Millen Producer - Michael Yale Connect with James Guard Studios Online: Subscribe: Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring content! Watch More CGI & VFX Animated Short Films:
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