343 Гц | Исцеляющая музыка сердечной чакры | Анахата чакра | Любовь, сострадание и сопереживание - YouTube
The Heart Chakra, or Anahata, is the 4th of 7 energetic centers in our body and is located in the center of the chest, in line with the physical heart. The heart chakra is the energy center that allows us to give and receive love, strengthens our compassion and empathy for others, and plays an essential role in our happiness and wellbeing. It governs not just romantic love but love between family, friends, strangers, and all living things. It is believed that by balancing the heart chakra, the more love, compassion, and empathy a person can feel and the more gratitude and joy they will experience. Because the heart chakra is also associated with peace, it suggests that you will gain harmony if you love and accept yourself. The heart chakra energetically connects to the thymus gland, lungs, shoulders, upper back, heart, and circulatory system. The heart chakra also has a connection to the sense of touch, so it can also control the health and condition of the skin and hands.