Luciano Berio: Sequenza XI - Emmanuel Jacob Lacopo

Sequenza XI by Luciano Berio Performed by Emmanuel Jacob Lacopo // Sound and Video by . (@) Shot at the Mile End Guitar Coop (@mile_end_guitar_coop) // On a personal note, this piece has been an un-achievable goal of mine for years. I attempted the project on many different occasions but I never felt quite ready for the undertaking. When I started my Master’s, I decided that it was time to really commit to the project and it’s been a journey of close to 2 years with it! While the music feels thorny, unpredictable and unapproachable at times, there’s a certain beauty in the assuredness of it all; it doesn’t try to shy away from what it is. The piece demands a great deal of the performer and part of the work has always felt to showcase the physical breakdown of the player - through long bouts of loud rasgueado sections and difficult runs, there is a limit before fatigue creeps in and starts to become part of the interpretation and performance. The work is not only a
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