We decided to take a break from prepping for our upcoming EUROPE HEADLINER (Tech Trek Europe) to give you these seasons greetings!
Tech the halls! Ho ho hope you’re ready for some extreme technical death metal, and santa is going to be stuffing your ear-stockings with an extra special gift this holiday season!!! We’ll be playing the entire ’Relentless Mutation’ album on our upcoming tour TECH TREK EUROPE! We’re bringing our friends Beneath the Massacre, Vulvodynia and Inferi along with us, so don’t be a Grinch and come spend your holidays with us! Merry tech-mas!
(DE) Karlsruhe / Weiße Rose
(BE) Sint-Niklaas / De Casino
(UK) London / Underworld
(UK) Bristol / The Exchange
(UK) Glasgow / Cathouse
(UK) Birmingham / Asylum2
(UK) Manchester / Rebellion
(NL) Rotterdam / Baroeg
(FR) Paris / Glazart
(FR) Toulouse / Rex
(ES) Madrid / Caracol
(ES) Barcelona / Bóveda
(CH) Aarau / Kiff
(DE) München / Feierwerk
(SL) Ljubljana / Orto Bar
(AT) Vienna / Arena
(CZ) Prague / Nova Chmelnice
(DE) Hannover / Mephisto
(DE) Berlin / Musik & Frieden
(DE) Leipzig / Naumanns
(DE) Bochum / Matrix
9 years ago 00:01:11 5.3K
The Angry Birds Movie - Season’s Greetings from the Hatchlings!