VANILLA RUST SOLO ABOUT RUST: RUST is one of the best survival games ever. It takes good ideas from a lot of games and is not buggy. Melee feels like The Culling Horses feel like Red Dead 2 Base building / auto turrets / etc. feel like H1Z1 Just Survive but more importantly, Unturned. Gun play feels like ARMA but no desync. TAGS: funny moments,gaming,gaming funny moments,kibisinx,rust,rust base build,rust base building,rust best start ever,rust compound,rust gameplay rust,rust huge loot,rust jackpot raid,rust plays,rust pvp highlights,rust raids,rust solo infiltration,rust solo pvp,rust treasure,survival games,survival solo,survival rust solo survival,xarios sin,red dead redemption 2,gathering,rust 2021,2021,wooden base,bunker,base design,counter,c4,raid,rocket,satchel,snow
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