A vegetarian stork? Is there anything to eat? :-D | Čáp vegetariánem? Je tady něco k jídlu? :-D

A vegetarian stork? Don’t worry, it’s just the stork lady Johanka from the Makov rescue station who came to see why the whole neighbourhood is retreating to the feeder. Her curious beak was peeping around, wondering why everyone kept talking about the nearby and famous buffet. She even picked up and eat a peanut and some grain at the pond. In the end, she wasn’t convinced and decided not to change her eating style. :-D In the most watched bird feeder in the Czech Republic, goodies for many species of animals are disappearing at a dizzying speed. If you want to support the station they welcome financial and material help. The squirrels are stocking up for the winter and walnuts in particular are going to waste. Rescue Station Makov is doing a very deserving job. Every year, a large number of injured, sick, exhausted, unfit or otherwise handicapped wildlife animals come into their hands. If you want to support the work of the rescue station,
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