Baby Kitten Yawns - Day 16 @ Baby Kittens Day 1 to Day 100 Lucky Pawison Vlogs
Baby Kittens 16 Days After Birth. Baby kitten yawning, nothing cuter than this😊😊. Cream had so many yawns every day. To be honest, I couldn’t stop yawning when I edit this video. How about you guys? 😴😴😴
I will record the videos of cute and funny kittens growing up from day 1 to day 100. There will be 100 cute kitten videos. Just follow Lucky Paws, never short of cuteness.
Follow Lucky Pawison, Good Things Happen:
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Belly, Crispy, Cream, Ore, Reo, and Twix love you all, 😽I will keep updating their videos and photos. Hope you all have a happy life.
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