The Ultimate Elden Ring Cut Content Documentary

New full cut content documentary! Did you ever wonder how Elden Ring was in its early days, way before even the Network Test existed? This video follows Guilbert, a Redeemer of Vengeance. In his quest line we unearth a set of cut content that links together NPCs like Ordovis, Vyke, Kalé, Malenia, Gostoc, and Godrick. Kalé and the Great Caravan Cut Content Video: Kalé and St. Trina Cut Content Video: Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:33 Before the Network Test 1:10 Meeting Guilbert 2:50 Crucible Knight Ordovis 5:25 The God of Vengeance 6:36 Redeemers 7:45 Blacksmith Hewg old location 9:17 Old NPC ...Hub 9:28 Guilbert-Kalé Connection 10:55 Kalé and St. Trina of the Cradle Song 11:56 Redeemer Invasions 13:03 Godrick and his grafting 14:49 Radahn vs Malenia 16:12 Off to Stormveil 16:29 The wounded knight 18:37 Two cooperators, one boss fight 19:45 Conclusion 20:48 Outro Thanks: EvilCookie, MagicalShion, ChainFailure, ?ServerName? AI Narration: “Josh” from ElevenLabs Socials: Follow me on twitter to keep up to date with my cut content research #eldenring #cut #content #networktest #cnt #vyke #godrick #guilbert #ordovis #lore #documentary
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