New full cut content documentary!
Did you ever wonder how Elden Ring was in its early days, way before even the Network Test existed? This video follows Guilbert, a Redeemer of Vengeance. In his quest line we unearth a set of cut content that links together NPCs like Ordovis, Vyke, Kalé, Malenia, Gostoc, and Godrick.
Kalé and the Great Caravan Cut Content Video:
Kalé and St. Trina Cut Content Video:
0:00 Intro
0:33 Before the Network Test
1:10 Meeting Guilbert
2:50 Crucible Knight Ordovis
5:25 The God of Vengeance
6:36 Redeemers
7:45 Blacksmith Hewg old location
9:17 Old NPC
9:28 Guilbert-Kalé Connection
10:55 Kalé and St. Trina of the Cradle Song
11:56 Redeemer Invasions
13:03 Godrick and his grafting
14:49 Radahn vs Malenia
16:12 Off to Stormveil
16:29 The wounded knight
18:37 Two cooperators, one boss fight
19:45 Conclusion
20:48 Outro
EvilCookie, MagicalShion, ChainFailure, ?ServerName?
AI Narration:
“Josh” from ElevenLabs
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