Statue of Liability serenade

Topping the insanity and humour of the original was always going to be a challenge however Lady Liability 2 has been empowered on another level and hosts many yet to be found secrets. Best viewed on a large screen, keep an eye on the comments as it’s just a matter of time before someone looks a little closer and finds out what is going on here. The original ’Statue of Liability’ is approaching 28 million views, something I never anticipated when I hit the upload button back in 2006. Always a lot of questions about why people are being thrown out of Lady Liabilities torch but long long ago there was actually a period in time when people could reach viewing platforms in the torch via ladders in the arm and this is a play on that idea but with just a little creative licence involved. Oddly enough the real catalyst for creating this video was exactly the same as the original Statue of Liability. To further explore a metho
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