World of Warcraft - Music & Ambience - Highmaul

Highmaul is the seat of power for the Gorian Empire, the ogre civilization that ruled Draenor for generations, until the arrival of the draenei. A massive city that belies the ogre reputation for brutish stupidity, Highmaul is full of bustling markets, wealthy nobles, and the roar of the Coliseum crowd echoing through the streets of the slums. Visible from everywhere within the city’s walls, Imperator Mar’gok’s citadel casts a long shadow, a reminder of his watchful eye and iron grip. Text above is taken from the in-game Dungeon Journal description. 0:00 - Clan Warsong (OST) 5:24 - Grinspiration C 7:29 - BFreedom H2 9:18 - Ogre Mines H1 11:32 - Laborious Misery H 12:43 - Ethereal Essence H1 14:28 - Smack the Giant H1 15:26 - Warsong 4 17:59 - Grinspiration H1 19:43 - Ogre Mines A2 21:52 - Plight of the Ogres H2 23:12 - BFreedom H1 24:23 - Smack the Giant H4 24:47 - Ethereal Essence H2 26:18 - Laborious Misery A 27:29 - Warsong 3A 28:55 - Ogre Mines A1 31:06 -
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