Final Fantasy 8 (PSX) - Все контр атаки!!

This is a short collaboration of all the limit breaks in Final Fantasy 8. I decided not to throw music over everything because I felt like it would ruin the “nostalgia factor.“ The background music can get tedious at times, but I really love those sound effects. Thanks for watching! :) ~-~-~ [ Time Key ] ~-~-~ Laguna - 0:00 Kiros - 0:15 Ward - 0:23 Seifer - 0:36 Edea - 0:51 Squall - 1:05 Zell - 2:26 Quistis - 4:35 Irvine - 7:00 Rinoa - 8:01 Angelo - 9:17 Selphie - 9:45 Check out some of my other videos here: FF8 Disc 3 Ending - FF7 Limit Breaks - FF7 Summons/Ending - Alundra Bosses/Ending -
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