Jon Gomm - High And Dry (Radiohead)

Guitar Tab finally available for this song at Every technique is explained. It’s a complete walkthrough guide to the song. High And Dry is the 7th video from from the Acoustic Asylum series. Get the song and album and Pay What You Want from Also on iTunes or Google Play or Amazon I’ve been playing this song for the best part of two decades. For my very oldest fans and friends, this is the one they think of when they think of me, even though it’s a cover. I love the song deeply. I’ve always been convinced it’s about Gene Kelly’s character in the movie “Viva Kneivel!“, an alcoholic ex-stunt motorcyclist. Performance wise, this arrangement channels Michael Hedges maybe more than anything else I’ve ever come up with. Not just the guitar techniques, but the vocal, even the bare feet. I’ve played it better than this, but I’ve played it worse. It’s kinda slow: I was a bit bipolar, so I’m dragging it back, fighting myself, and I probably over-compensated. Maybe that makes it me. ___________________ Here’s all the awesome gear I use to create music. If you wanna buy any of it, if you use the links below then I get a small commission: The new Ibanez JGM10 guitar - Pre-order UK / EU: Pre-order USA: Blackstar Sonnet 60 acoustic amplifier USA: UK / EU: Fishman Rare Earth Blend pickup system USA: UK / EU: Boss OC-5 octave pedal (for sub-bass) USA: UK / EU: Zoom MS70CDR Multistomp effects pedal (for special reverbs and delays) USA: UK / EU: Newtone Jon Gomm signature guitar strings Sontronics SOLO vocal mic TC-Helicon Voicelive 3 guitar & vocal multi-effects pedal MOTU Ultralite AVB mixer/interface
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