Learn to talk about exercise in 6 minutes

How many steps do you walk a day? Do you know the more the better for your health. Neil and Rob talk about the need to exercise and teach you some related vocabulary. This week’s question: How many people aged between 40 and 60 do less than ten minutes brisk walking every month? Is it… a) 4%, b) 14% or c) 40%? Listen to the programme to find out the answer: Vocabulary: vigorous: using a lot of energy to do something; saunter: walk slowly; brisk: quick and energetic (the opposite of sauntering); build something in: (to your day or your life) include it from the beginning; incrementally: gradually increasing in size; sedentary: (job or life) it involves a lot of sitting and not much exercise For more videos and content that will help you learn English, visit our website:
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