Odessa. With a call-up paper in hand, the young man walked along the populous and famous Deribasovskaya Street to the regional prosecutor’s office. He was twenty-six, and he was walking along Odessa towards the unknown. Passing by the Opera Theatre, he entered the prosecutor’s office on Pushkinskaya Street.
In the office, the investigator, not hiding his hatred, put a gun on the table and shouted: “You are under arrest! You are a criminal, and now you will be taken to the remand prison.” The guy was taken to the cell. That night, for the first time, he slept on a damp concrete floor, and on the fifth day he was summoned to the investigation and said:
- If you give up your crazy religious ideas – become a normal Soviet person – you’ll go free. You have to choose, or it’s going to take you a long time to get to know the prison.
The meeting ended, and he was taken to the Odessa prison by the “truck“. Solitary confinement in the basement. Twilight. There is nothin
1 view
5 days ago 00:05:16 1
Одесса не приняла Ганула!!!
5 months ago 00:06:21 1
ТЦК оккупировали рынки, народ в ярости! Одесса - уничтожают историю!
5 months ago 00:27:31 1
Андрей Караулов: Дворец для Путина под Геленджиком. История самой большой взятки.
5 months ago 00:15:32 1
Одесситы протестуют!!! ТЦК - плати или умри! Идём в Европу!
5 months ago 00:51:04 1
Ukraine: Masks of Revolution
5 months ago 00:53:22 1
Trump’s Ukraine Peace Push: Will His Deal Reshape the Global Stage? | DPA Open Mic 99
5 months ago 00:11:43 1
ТЦК получают отпор! Женщины будут умирать за Европу!