How to Quickly DOUBLE your FPS in Rust (2022)

In this short video, I explain everything I know on how to maximize your rust fps/performance / Fps boost and reduce stutters/lag. Every time I reinstall windows or my game I always make sure to do this as it helps a ton in making the game smooth and enjoyable and I hope it does the same for you guys too! Launch options: -high 2048 -maxMem=14000 -malloc=system -force-feature-level-11-0 -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=8 -force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded (for a 4 core 8 thread CPU with 16GB of RAM) Cache clear bind: bind o ““ Subscribe here: @BaccaRust Now that your game is running at top spec you can check out my other videos for tutorials on how to aim effectively and improve at the game along with some other videos on little rust tips to help you dominate!
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