My Friend SAID “YOU ARE The ONE“ Who is Needed for this Job

The client came to me on the recommendation of friends, he said that he needed help and was looking for someone to trim a long beech hedge that had grown quickly. When I arrived at the address, I saw a hedge about 45 m long and about 2 m high, the owners also asked me to trim the laurel that was growing in front of the hedge on the street side. I started trimming the hedge on the street side with a Stihl HSA100 trimmer (which I used only once), then moved on to trimming the laurel, but quickly realized that this trimmer was not at all convenient, and replaced it with a more familiar HSA86. As I continued to trim the hedge I moved between the laurel and beech and at one point I tripped and fell but quickly continued working as I entered the yard, I also decided to use the long trimmer KMA100 as it made the trimming much faster, after finishing trimming the sides I took the ladder and went back to the start and started trimming from the top, it was a bit awkward as I moved along the laurel as the branches
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