Alina & The Darkling || Mr. Sandman

Can’t stop, won’t stop, can’t stop, won’t stop. Still lost in the obsession with this show and these two, couldn’t found any edit with that song for them (which is rare lol!) so here I am. At some point, I will also edit my other big OTP of that show, Kanej, but Darklina are so easy and relaxing to edit that I have an hard time to do edit anything else right now lol. Hope you will enjoy that one too on them! Guess I kinda try to focus there on the Darkling and on what Alina represent for him, in a way. Not that I tried to send any messages, I just follow the lyrics. Fandom - Characters : Alina Starkov & Aleksander Morozova (The Darkling), Shadow and Bone. Song : “Mr. Sandman“ by SYML. Coloring : “Frozen“ by barbalas9296. Program : SVP14. #fanvidfeed #darklina #shadowandbone #viddingisart #thedarkling #alinastarkov #benbarnes
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