Conscious Heart Solutions with Aida Farhat - Alexia Icenhower 7-21-22

Conscious Heart Solutions with Aida Farhat - Alexia Icenhower 7-21-22 Live Thursday 7PM EST on Soma Fusion Media Special Guest: Alexia Icenhower Topic: Parasite cleansing for health & wellness Bio: Open Discussion on parasite cleanses and jab reversal. Alexia Icenhower is an investigative journalist, she has researched suppressed healing for 5 years after healing herself with antiparasitics from stage 3 kidney disease and autism. She will walk us through many of the suppressed cures from herbs to oxidizers that will reverse many diseases we pick up here in the matrix. Subscribe to my channel, this show is a open discussion format. Conscious Heart Solutions/Aida Farhat’s Youtube Channel: FB: @DetoxDen777 iEvolveTV: YOUTUBE LIVE: ​ FB LIVE: ​ Like - Subscribe - Hit the Bell for Notifications! Soma Fusion Media: YOUTUBE LIVE 1: …
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