Battlefield 2042 Noshahr Canals vs Battlefield 3 - Direct Comparison! Attention to Detail & Graphics

Battlefield 2042 Noshahr Canals vs Battlefield 3 - Direct Comparison! Attention to Detail & Graphics In this video you will see a graphic comparison between Battlefield 3 clasic Noshahr Canals map and the new map from Battlefield 2042. Both games are being played on the PC at their highest graphical settings. My PC SPECS: MB: MSI Z390-A PRO CPU: i7 9700K RAM: HyperX Fury Black 16GB DDR4 3200MHz GPU: GTX 1080 TI SSD: ADATA Ultimate SU650 480GB Thank you for watching!!! #Battlefield2042vsBattlefield3 #Battlefield2042NoshahrCanalsvsBattlefield3 #Battlefield2042vsBattlefield3
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