Building a Timber Frame Outdoor Kitchen Alone at My Off Grid Log Cabin
I finish milling timbers from trees I cut down around the cabin and continue building the timber frame structure of the outdoor kitchen. The frames are heavy so I use the ATV anchored to the cabin logs and a maple tree to winch the walls into place. The forest kitchen is over 11 feet high so it’s challenging to get the walls up and roof boards installed alone, but I have a system in place now so it’s just another day or two to finish the frame and then I can start finishing the walls and order metal for the roof.
Moose and beaver are very active around the cabin right now - calf moose and baby birds and other wildlife are regular visitors.
On a hot day, my daughter Emily and I go for a short paddle in the canoe to catch a couple of small northern pike for dinner.
Shawn James YouTube Channel:
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Why Fun Projects Are the Key to Saving This Building