Getting Web Forms Right: From Checkboxes To Dropdowns / Виталий Фридман
Приглашаем на FrontendConf 2024, которая пройдет 30 сентября и 1 октября 2024 в Москве.
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Профессиональная конференция фронтенд-разработчиков Frontend Live 2020
Тезисы и презентация:
Nobody wakes up in the morning hoping to finally create a new account that day. Web forms don’t have a decent reputation, and rightfully so. Very often they are inaccessible and difficult to use, with awkward live validation and notorious error messages; not to mention painful dropdowns like a country selector, a birthday date-picker starting from 2020, a tiny newsletter checkbox, a disabled copy-paste for email verification, disabled “submit” buttons and horrendously evil CAPTCHAs in the disguise of street signs and crosswalks.
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