0:00 - 0:17 Ralof
0:18 - 0:22 Helgen
0:23 - 0:26 Alduin
0:26 - 0:31 Helgen’s Bear (what did he saw?)
0:32 - 0:38 Gerdur
0:39 - 0:43 Aela the Huntress
0:44 - 0:48 Whiterun
0:49 - 0:52 Ysolda
0:53 - 0:55 Nazeem
0:56 - 1:00 Jarl Balgruuf
1:01 - 1:04 Giant frostbite
1:05 - 1:07 Western tower
1:08 - 1:15 Lydia uwu
1:16 - 1:19 Aela beast form
1:20 - 1:23 Ice Troll
1:24 - 1:26 High Hrothgar
1:27 - 1:29 Arngeir
1:30 - 1:36 Paarthurnax
1:37 - 1:39 Elenwen
1:40 - 1:43 Dwemer centurion
1:44 - 1:46 Forsworn briarheart
1:47 - 1:50 Alduin’s wall
1:51 - 1:57 War council
1:58 - 2:02 C
2:03 - 2:05 Giant and Mammoth
2:06 - 2:08 Winterhold college
2:09 - 2:12 Khajit Caravan
2:13 - 2:16 Nocturne’s Shrine
2:17 - 2:19 Veezara
2:20 - 2:23 Hermaeus Mora
2:24 - 2:26 Barbas (don’t kill him you monster)
2:27 - 2:29 M’aiq the liar
2:30 - 2:32 Daedric armor
2:33 - 2:37 SovngardShow more