Actually Hitting This Insane Pattern [Beat Saber]

Just for people wondering why there is no UI, its because I forgot to turn it back on for the recording XD Song: Wasted Mind - Reason (Unproven Remix) Music: Beat Map (Normal): Sabers: My ScoreSaber: PC Mod client: My Setup: 0:00 - Beginning 0:28 - Spinning Controller Offset (for index/knuckle controllers only): -Position x -5cm y -6cm z 0cm -Rotation x 33 degrees y 0 z 0 Credits: Silverhaze Camra2 settings: FOV: 80 Z offset: -0.4 debris: off If you are the owner of content (music, audio, etc.) in this video and you want it taken down or you don’t see your credit in... the description, just send me an email and I will do my best to answer and comply with you
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