The Defector is an upcoming miniseries set in the universe of the video game Half-Life: Alyx. It tells the story of a City 17 Civil Protection officer named Charles, who goes about his daily business as an enforcer of the Combine’s ’laws’. After meeting Alena, the leader of the local resistance movement, Charles decides to become the defector and join the rebel cause. But what is it that Charles is really after? Only time will tell.
I’m amazed at the amount of support that I’ve received from the small community of very talented mappers, writers, and voice actors. None of this would have been possible without the help of every individual who assisted in the production of this, and for that I give my sincerest gratitude.
A special thanks to the voice actors from Fiverr who did a phenomenal job recording these voice lines. They are professional, polite, and I enjoyed working with each of them.
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