WIESŁAWA DUDKOWIAK with Accordion on Beach 1 , The most beautiful relaxing melody
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Songs title:
1) “La Paloma“ -
2) “Besame Mucho“ - Valasgues/ Skyler
3) “Na Dancingu“ “On Dancing“ - folk /traditional
4) “Kurier Carski“ “Czar’s Courier“ W. Cosma
5) “Biały Miś“ “White Bear“ - folk /traditional
6) “Terenia“ “Theresa“ - folk /traditional
7) “Ciemna była już noc“ “Dark Night“ - folk /traditional
8) “Barbara“ - folk /traditional
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8 months ago 00:35:52 1
WIESŁAWA DUDKOWIAK - with Accordion on Beach 3, The most beautiful relaxing melody ....