Silk painting online art classes by Barbara Gabogrecan Join Now
“Online Silk Painting Course“ -- Would you like to take part in these cost effective online art classes teaching you painting on silk, run by the renowned, award winning silk artist, Barbara Gabogrecan? There are participants in Barbara’s classes from all around the world who are enjoying learning silk art by increasing their skills and expertise as they discover some ’outside the box’ methods for drawing and silk painting design.
In this video Barbara Gabogrecan is demonstrating ’step by step’ how she applies colour with silk dyes. She is completing a major wall hanging for Blamey and Saunders to be displayed in their beautiful Heritage Listed Building in East Melbourne, Australia. It is at the end of the video that you see the final, beautiful and exotic colour and art work for this wall hanging mural.
In this video the silk painting artist, Barbara Gabogrecan, demonstrates how colour is introduced by using special silk dyes. You can view the final hanging of this fine art painting on sight.
Barbara has won #7 of the Australian Gift of the Year Awards with her “silk painting designs“ and had over #16 licenses for her designs on product produced by such well known and established Australian companies as Shelta Umbrellas, Laurentino Bags and Fresca Scarves. Barbara now produces fine art paintings mainly for commissions and exhibitions, but does have a small range of scarves for sale via her online catalogue.
Barbara teaches drawing skills and silk painting techniques via her “online silk painting classes“ where students learn just what is silk painting and how best to achieve silk paintings of a high quality. Barbara is a former director of art in secondary schools and taught part time for over #15 years at the National Gallery of Victoria. She also invites silk painting artists to write articles for her blog, so that others can learn from the experiences of the experts
You can contact Barbara Gabogrecan on barbara@
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