The Hurdy-Gurdy, Musette, and Harpsichord: Curtis Berak and Friends

A live concert recorded in Curtis Berak’s workshop in downtown Los Angeles, January 24, 2021 Curtis Berak, viele a roue (French baroque hurdy-gurdy) Bruce Teter, musette (French baroque court bagpipe) Sonia Lee, harpsichord Alex Barrios, 18th-century gentleman Video by Sonia Lee, producer Presented by the San Diego Early Music Society About the musicians Curtis Berak (viele a roue, or French baroque hurdy-gurdy) performs, restores, and collects ancient hurdy-gurdies and has a large collection of these and other keyboard instruments. Berak is also an internationally respected maker and restorer of harpsichords and early pianos. He has been a provider of historical keyboards to SDEMS for many years. Bruce Teter (musette, or French baroque bagpipe) specializes in early music. He is self-taught on several bagpipes and other instruments such as recorder, double recorder, rauschpfeife, crumhorn, and harmonic singing. In addition to directing Medieval, Renaiss
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