Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the work you need to do in school and life? You are not alone! Most students encounter obstacles that affect their motivation to succeed. In this video, we will talk about your lack of motivation in your quest to learn English. I will give you six strategies to help you reverse the negative energy in your life. We will talk about the best way to set up goals, how to get your friends and family involved in helping you, and how to train your brain to want to succeed. Don’t let life get you down. Instead, watch this lesson, and never, never, never give up!
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NEXT: Watch my video about what to say when you make a mistake:
Never, ever give up learning English, unless maybe you don’t want to - then, don’t. I’m not here to tell you what to do, but I mean... Blah. But my name is Ronnie, and I’m going to tell you what not to do. I’m going to give you some guidelines and I’m going to give you some help, because you probably need it. I know I do. I need help. Geez, do I ever. That’s another topic we’re not getting into right now, though.
But what I want you to understand is that: Don’t give up. Okay? Keep on learning, keep on trying, and I know it’s difficult. I know English is crazy. I don’t know how I speak it so well; maybe I don’t. But if you have a goal-not only learning English-and you’re not motivated, guess what? You’re not going to achieve your goal. So, I’m teaching you English, but you can use this for anything. This lesson is: “Don’t Give Up“ and achieve your goal.
Why? Why do we give up? What...? What happens? We... At first, we’re very determined. We have an expression “gung-ho“. “I’m gung-ho to do this“, which means you’re excited to do it and you’re determined to do something, like learn English, but then something happens and you give up. So, all of the time that you spent, all of the money you spent, all of the hours of watching all of the wonderful videos on - done; gone. Why? What happened? I don’t know, but there’s some research that’s been done, and it’s that: Why do we give up? The reason is because we make mistakes, and then we... We feel bad or we feel stupid, and then we give up because our emotions take over. Instead of our brain being smart, our heart takes over, our emotions take over and we give up. So, maybe this should be called: “How to Train Your Brain to Overpower Your Emotions“, but I didn’t choose that title. “Never Give Up“.
Maybe you’ve done this - you’ve written down or you write down your goals. Okay? So: “I’m going to be a fluent English speaker within three minutes.“ Sorry, that’s not going to happen, but writing down your goals will give you something, like a guideline, to follow. So, make a list. Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking: “Ronnie, I’ve made the list. I’ve... I’ve written down my goals, and I just can’t follow them.“ Me too. But, again, we’re going to think of how you can actually follow this list. You have the list, you’ve written the list - now we have to follow it.
So, what you should do is make whatever you’re going to do fun. Learning English - make it fun. Watch videos. Do you like comic books? Read English comic books. Do you like music like I do? Listen to music in English. Do you like reading? Reading English books are difficult-they’re long-but if you like doing it, do it. Who cares what anyone else says? If you don’t like reading books, like I don’t like reading books - don’t read a book. That’s boring. If you love movies, watch a movie. Make sure that what you’re doing is fun, because if it’s not fun, you’re going to lose interest and your brain is going to go: “This is boring“, and then you’re on your phone. Okay?
So, make it fun and also make short tasks. If you have too much work, you’re going to get overwhelmed. “Overwhelmed“ means you think or you know there’s too much to do. So, you break it down or you divide it into short tasks or jobs. So, maybe you’re going to learn the verbs in English. There’s so many of them. There’s 42; maybe more. What you’re going to do is: Don’t try to learn all of the verbs; try to learn patterns of the verbs. Try to break them down, and every day, little by little, do some work.
If you look at it like doing it all at once, it’ll never happen. Let’s take this out of the context of learning English. Let’s say that you have a lot of things to do in one day - maybe you have to do your laundry, and then you have to clean your apartment-uh-oh, this is my list-and then you’ve got to take your dog for a walk, and then you’ve got to eat something-oh my god-and then you’ve got to have a shower, and wash your hair, and then... Oh, and then you have to go out, and then you’ve got to get dressed, and then you’ve got to... Oh my. […]
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