Something Is Happening To Believers - Only True Christian Can See These Signs in the Last Days

When was the last time you thought about Heaven and Hell? Do you think about or believe in the concept of the “Rapture?” Christianity is divided on this subject of the Rapture. Some believe in it and some do not. Some people even believe that Heaven and Hell exists here on earth and there is no afterlife. This is a message, a direct message from God’s heart to you, and you need to take it very serious. I don’t know what you may have been told or believed in before now. But whether you believe it or not, the Rapture is coming, and only the prepared saints who live for God will be caught up. #motivation #christianmotivation #inspiration #godmessage #godsmessage #godsays Donation & Support: Footage Licensed Through Filmpac/Envato elements/Vecteezy/Motionarray/Artgrid/Lightstock Don’t forget to subscribe our channel to watch new motivational videos.
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