Charlene Choi - 心如蝶梦MV (Butterfly Lovers Theme) w/Lyrics

The MV for 武俠梁祝/Butterfly Lovers’ theme song (Mandarin version), sung by Charlene Choi. The movie is came out on October 2, 2008. Lyrics: credits to mykoko1998 @ AF 心跳如歌( 电影《剑蝶》粤语版主题歌曲 ) 歌词: 作曲:赵增熹 作词:林夕 心 被你触碰 肌肤起哄 sam bei nei juk pung gei foo hei hung My heart was filled with your senses. 没有说出口的 都已懂 moot yau suet chut hau dik do yi dung No words but you already can tell. 我 没有本领 颠倒反应 ngoh moot yau boon ling din do faan ying I’m helpless to react.
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