Support the channel by getting The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles here: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualified purchases. In this animated video I will present the top 5 takeaways from Wallace Wattles’ The Science of Getting Rich, which has taught millions worldwide how to achieve success in life (and riches) through the power of positive thinking. The ultimate books on how to achieve a millionaire mindset: Top 5 takeaways from The Science of Getting Rich: 0:00 Intro 00:48 1. Money is a Medium of Value 02:35 2. Know What You Want 04:06 3. Picture That You Already Have it 06:23 4. Make Every Day a Success 08:20 5. Focus on Creation Rather Than Competition TL;DW: - The first takeaway is that money is a medium of value. In other words, the more value that you can provide your fellow man with, the richer you’ll be. - Secondly, to acquire riches, you must know what you want. Be specific & formulate a strategy on how to get there. - Thirdl
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