Debunking Fake PS4 Emulators

Yes, some may say that they’re obviously fake but in this video I will show you exactly why. Also, I cut out my debunk of this emulator ( because it was generic and boring but it is indeed fake despite the title of the video. I used DotPeek and HxD to look at the files in the video. For those that keep asking me for the ESX password (I don’t know why you want it so bad considering I showed that it doesn’t work in the video). Download it here and find out for yourselves that it doesn’t work. Note: The only attempt at PS4 “emulation“ is an attempt to get the PS4 userland working, so the modified freeBSD OS running on PC, is Nucleus by AlexAltea (). It is mainly focused on PS3 emulation but it is able to load some PS4 parts of OrbisOS. Anything other than that is fake.
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