Hopes and Dreams Theme Au´s

Theme Hopes and Dreams Aus: Asriel - 0:00 Undertale Sans - 3:00 Swapspin Papyrus - 6:02 Storyspin Frisk - 11:01 Changeswap Chara - 16:00 Changetale Undyne - 17:49 Undershuffle Alphys - 22:07 Shiftshift Mettaton - 24:58 Storyswap Color Muffet - 27:49 Muffettale Napstablook - 30:50 Storyshift Toriel - 33:40 Asrieltale Asgore - 37:53 Asgoretale Temmie - 42:53 Temmietale Gaster - 44:09 Gastertale Flowey - 49:09 Floweytale Grillby - 54:08 Asrieltale Nuevo video pedido por muchos :3
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