You have no idea what I had to go through to make this. It took me forever to sync the music and the video, and when I was halfway done, Camtasia just decides to crash and doesn’t let me get the project back, so I had to start over. Ugh.
Voices used:
Toriel: MEIKO (by EchoVoice713)
Asgore: Akaito (by Kid4Flash)
Flowey: Keisen Mitsu (by MaruTheArcher)
Asriel: Kaai Yuki (by xXxWasurexXx)
God of Hyperdeath: Matsudappoiyo (by neeonio)
Angel of Death: Rook (by UTAUloidSatoko)
W.D Gaster: Tsuyoi (by Ray Rie)
River person: Macsune Eku (by SynthloidUtau)
Frisk: Kagamine Len (by RainbowJesse18)
Papyrus: Hiyama Kiyoteru (by PrinnyDoodful)
Sans: Yuuma (by Vocalodiak)
Chara: Nagone Mako (by Dana)
Napstablook: Kaoru Hibiki (by Hanban)
Mettaton: Rook (by UTAUloidSatoko)
Omega/Photoshop Flowey: Hakaine Maiko (by C h a r a _,)
Temmie: Macne Petit (by 88432311)
Muffet: Miki (by xXxWasurexX)
Alphys: Macne Nana (by Macne Ke)
Endogeny: Kamui Gakupo (by Satan)
Undyne: Luka Lily (by totally not chloe)
Original video: (video used here:
The original song belongs to Touhou ( and the remix used to Alstroemeria Records (